If you didn’t already know, Uglies Sea Salt and Bar-B-Q Kettle Chips are 100% vegan-friendly. So, what better companion to vegan chips, but vegan dip!

Sure, it would be easier to just buy a tub of dip from the corner store, but where’s the fun in that? This quick and easy Vegan French Onion Dip recipe is so good, even your non-vegan friends will be scooping up seconds. Doubling this recipe from the start might be a smart idea. It will save you the mess when everyone demands more!


  • 1 6oz. Bag of Uglies Sea Salt Kettle Chips for dippin’
  • 1 Small Onion
  • 2-3 Cloves Fresh Garlic
  • 1 cup Vegan Sour Cream
  • 1 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1/4 tsp Onion Powder
  • 1/4 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • Fresh Chives
  • Fresh Parsley
Vegan Chip Dip Ingredients


  1. Finely dice onions and garlic. Cook in a skillet over medium heat to caramelize until golden brown. Set aside and let cool.
  2. No reason to get fancy on the remaining prep of this one. Just throw all the remaining ingredients (except for the chives and parsley) in a bowl and mix like you’ve never mixed before.
Vegan French Onion Dip Recipe
  1. Stir in caramelized onion and garlic and garnish with fresh chives and parsley to class things up.
  2. Get to dippin’! Uglies Sea Salt Kettle Chips are the perfect tool for this vegan treat.
Vegan Dip Recipe
Uglies Sea Salt Kettle Chips


Locate a retailer near you that carries Uglies Sea Salt Kettle Chips or buy online!